The practice of real estate Due Diligence is increasingly widespread, during the negotiations for the purchase of a property, to verify before proceeding with the offers, that the purchase does not hide unwelcome surprises. To be sure of getting a good deal it is always good not to buy a "pig in a poke" but to rely on professionals.
Real estate due diligence is the complete investigation of a property or real estate assets. Gather all the news that it is good for the buyer to know before proceeding with the purchase.
It also contributes to speeding up buying and selling times, by collecting all the information useful for the transaction in advance.
The real estate Due Diligence gives the right value to the property/real estate assets, makes a complete analysis from the construction, urban planning, environmental point of view, highlights its urban and cadastral compliance, removes any doubt about the existence or not of constraints, of mortgages or easements and clarifies to whom the property is to be attributed.
The real estate Due Diligence activity takes place by collecting all possible data relating to the property and crossing them with each other.
We start from the study of the documentation, we proceed by requesting the missing additions, if necessary, and carrying out technical inspections to verify the correspondence between written material and the objective reality of the facts.
Also in this case, if inconsistencies or deficiencies are found on the spot, you will have to proceed by integrating or correcting what is wrong.
It must be ascertained that in the environment surrounding the property, or in the property itself, there are no sources of pollution or hazardous materials.
The team of experts specialized in conducting Phase 1 ESA Calgary and Phase 2 ESA Calgary can assist investors during the purchase and sale of properties. They provide the assistance of professionals who are responsible for drawing up complete and in-depth Due Diligence that protect from unforeseen events.
Pollution of soil and groundwater is not always detected when the business is in operation. Often times, problems arise during transfer/acquisition transactions. Three phases are proposed during an Environmental Due Diligence audit:
Phase 1 audit: Inventory, site visit, location of potential sources of pollution, presence of asbestos and PCBs, lead, termites
Phase 2 audit: Identification of the source, extent and impact of the pollution, study of compliance
Phase 3 audit: Project management of rehabilitation works
From investigations to the pollution project management
The clientele of professionals doing Record of Site Condition Toronto includes manufacturers, real estate professionals, investors and communities. They will answer all your questions relating to the management of subsoil and water tables:
· When is the soil diagnosis necessary? Purchase, sale, lease, obtaining permits, change of use, excavation of land
· What is the contaminated area? How to manage this contamination and what is the cost?
· The soil is polluted and the value of my site is dropping sharply. What to do?
· How to manage decontamination work? Which technique (s) to use?
Soil contamination and any associated health risks must be dealt with quickly and rigorously. The team of Andenviro.ca can assist you in an appropriate manner depending on the type and degree of contamination, the regulations in force, the (future) use of the land or the building.